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The Clinical Study on the Thermal Changes and Side Effects after Bee Venom Acupuncture Therapy
Kim, Kyong-Heon; Shin, Min-Seop; Yook, Tae-Han
Objective: This study was done to observe the effects on the thermal changes and side effects of Bee Venom acupuncture. The objectives are as follows; If there are remarkable local thermal changes between pre and post Bee Venom acupuncture therapy on D.I.T.I. or not. If there are those, we examine how long it' s changes are maintained, what is the adequate interval on Bee Venom acupuncture therapy, and what the reactions in a local or whole body are on that therapy. Methods: To study the local thermal changes in Bee Venom acupuncture therapy, D.I.T.I. was used. Determination of this analysis periods are pre and post-therapy(5 minutes, 1 hour, 1day,2days, 3days, 5days and 7days later). The study group was divided into two groups. One was BV group(N=19), another was NS(Normal Saline) group. The Bee Venom acupuncture was injected by 0.2ml divided into 0.05ml at the Fengmen(風門:12), Feishu(肺兪:B13), Fufen(附分:B41), Pohu(魄戶: B42) 4 points. Then, in order to analyze the clinical form, we have observed responses of 23 students whenever we checked the thermal changes of their after performing. Results: The following results were obtained. 1. In BV group, there was a significant dermatothermal difference between pre and post therapy. That difference was most remarkable in post-therapy 1 hour to lday, and was not remarkable in post-therapy 5-7days later. 2. There was no significant dermatothermal changes at NS group, but BV group had remarkable changes between operated and non operated area in post-therapy 1hour, 1day, 2days. But there was none 7 days later. 3. Among the physical reactions after Bee Venom acupuncture therapy, operated-area pain, itching, pain on moving and fatigue sign most appeared until post-therapy 3days. Itching and fatigue sign appeared until post-therapy 7days. 4. In comparison the dermatothermal changes with the physical reactions, the decrease of { CT = (Rt Temperature -Lt. Temperature) / Rt. } and the disappearance of physical reactions were about the same
Bee Venom acupuncture therapy; apitoxin; D.I.T.I.
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